Average Joe.
I was taught anatomy and physiology pre med in a state college by an evolutionary atheist.
I remember he stressed preprogramed cell death in explaining why man ages and dies.
I remember asking him in front of the whole class.
How can there be preprogramed cell death but there be no programmer?
He could not answer me.
He did know the body forward, backwards and sideways and everyway until Sunday.
But he could not answer why he and the text book taught preprogramed cell death but he did not believe in a programmer.
My opinion and I believe it is correct, is the preprogrammed cell death is the result of sin and the fall in the garden of Eden.
Pre programmed cell death, apoptosis, is the scientific reason man doesn't live much more than 100 years old. Because the stem cells are programmed to die after a certain number of replications usually 50 to 70 times in humans.
Refreshing my notes on this, I guess I am fortunate to be 63.